Colleen Roxas - Walmart GIF Team

Walmart GIF Team

A peak into a few select slides from a larger presentation describing the app our team was primarily working on. And a small snapshot of the dozens of mobile app design flows we maintained for Walmart's GIF team. (Global Integrated Fulfillment) We performed an audit of the entire department's application systems and looked for ways to improve or maintain existing features, while thinking through new flows for future releases with the dev team. I lead the internal design team by creating a Sketch resource library and documentation system to unify all our collective files. Thorough documentation was necessary to keep track of our approval processes with varying stakeholders, and to maintain version control and know which designer last made edits to the file before hand-off via Zeplin.

Job: Completed with Adey Salyards, Loryn Chen, Jamie Eby, and Megha Chawra while working at Walmart

Date: Sep 30, 2019

Roles: UI, UX

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Walmart GIF

Creative Commons License   © Colleen Roxas, 2006–Present.   /   Colophon